The Gray Matters podcast is live

The Gray Matters podcast celebrates the past, while also enjoying the present, and looks positively towards the future. Rooted in nostalgia, this podcast explores different passions/hobbies from the various guests (all in the 50+ year old range). Guests share these passions and the impact they’ve had throughout their lives and still have today. And, how the interests have changes, evolved, and adjusted to life today.

We address life as it is “now” for the interesting men and women guests, but also discuss how their future is looking.

This is not an advice driven podcast, no preaching or “how to” lingo—we promise. Just entertaining memories and stories we can all relate to. Each episode promises to be highlighted with plenty of humor as well. Because we all have to laugh at life now and then.

The Gray Matters, we believe age is just a number.

Let me know what you think of it.

The Gray Matters podcast: Celebrating the Past. Enjoying the Present.

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